
The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) virus, the fluid Government Guidelines and its impact on businesses and individuals has so far been massively disruptive and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

To that end, Morsafe Limited have drafted this Policy Statement which sets out our response to the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and will give the assurances that we are doing everything we can to minimise the impact of the virus, and the training we provide.

When drafting this policy, Morsafe have considered our clients, current travel restrictions being imposed, the need for operatives to “work from home” and potential “self-isolation” along with delivering “open” courses at our venues and on-site courses.

Morsafe will continue to monitor the situation as reported by Public Health England (PHE) and will use this information to update this policy accordingly.

Morsafe Plan of Action

Training Venue Open Courses
Due to travel restrictions being imposed and the avoidance of direct delegate interaction coupled with reduced bookings, Morsafe have reviewed their training venue open course schedule and will be cancelling some courses.

For those “open courses” that are to proceed:

• Delegates will be instructed to report directly to the instructor any instances where they or any other another person in the training room shows signs of Coronavirus symptoms and the appropriate action will be taken.
• The training room will be subjected to a daily regime of antibacterial wipe- down of desks, door handles and flat surfaces.
• Hand sanitiser dispensers, tissues and antibacterial wipes will be made available with dedicated waste bags provided to effectively control any potential of contamination.

On-Site Training
Morsafe Limited will continue to deliver on-site training courses at the request of the client. As far as is reasonably practicable and in conjunction with the client we will implement the procedure for training venue open courses as indicated above.

Course Bookings – Cancellation and Postponement
Morsafe will work with all our clients to accommodate justified course cancellations to agree an amicable solution with consideration to our standard booking terms and conditions, which may be applied. This could be postponement to a later date or the opportunity to attend one of our Webinar based courses currently being developed.

We encourage our clients to contact us as soon as possible on 07377 878005 or 01733 247999 to make alternative arrangements in terms of postponement, rescheduling on future courses or attendance on a planned webinar course (TBC).
Courses to be Delivered by Webinar
Morsafe are currently looking at a package of courses which can be delivered to home or office-based delegates by webinars, where the same course content and interaction will be allowed for except in isolation via the internet. This will include a full testing regime to allow completion and certifying of the course. More information will be sent to our clients shortly.

Continual Review
This statement aims to achieve the right balance in terms of business continuity against risk to all staff and delegates during this period of uncertainty. Morsafe will constantly monitor all associated guidance and will update its processes as required to ensure effective and meaningful control.

General Advice to Morsafe Staff and Customers

Symptoms in Summary
Coronavirus is essentially a respiratory disease with the symptoms being:

• A continual cough
• A fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher)
• Shortness of breath

Generally, these infections can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, older people, and those with long-term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease.

If you think you might have Coronavirus

• Self-isolate and advise your line manager as soon as possible
• Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service for advice
• Only call NHS 111 if you don’t find the online service helpful
• Do not go to a pharmacy or hospital
• You will need to call ahead if you want to attend your GP surgery

The biggest contribution to preventing the spread of the virus is the personal one. Please ensure, at all times, you:

• Wash your hands with soap and water often (at least 20 seconds)
• Wash your hands when you arrive at work and get home
• Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
• Put used tissues in the dedicated bin/bag straight away and wash your hands immediately
• Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
• Don’t shake hands, acknowledge verbally